SFL deliver stunning sound at SAS PBLS
SAS are one of the largest software developers in the world and the global leader in business analytic’s solutions.
Every year SAS presents the Premier Business Leadership Series (PBLS); an exclusive, invitation only event for senior executives and decision makers that focuses on solving the current issues that affect governments and businesses globally. The series is a unique learning and networking experience focused on the most innovative leadership strategies and analytic solutions for competing in today’s global economy.
Each year SFL work with SAS on the PBLS events; covering the main conference, breakout rooms, speaker ready rooms, networking area, networking pods, experience room, and registration area. SFL deliver complete technical production including visual themes across the whole venue.
A complete d&b speaker solution was designed and deployed for this high profile event. At the heart of the system was the d&b T10, selected for its compact enclose. Driven by D12 amplifiers the system was controlled using d&b R1 control software.
In addition to the main arrays, Q-SUB was used to provide the LF content and E3 loudspeakers were used as delays. On stage monitoring was also handled by E3’s mounted discreetly within the set in their horizontal configuration.

Product focus – d&b T10
The T10 is a passive 2-way loudspeaker housing two 6.5″ drivers positioned in a dipolar arrangement and a 1.4″ HF compression driver and a passive crossover network. The T10 can be used both as a line array and as a high directivity point source loudspeaker. The HF driver is fitted to a unique waveguide horn producing vertical line source directivity with a 90° horizontal pattern that is maintained down to approximately 600 Hz. An acoustic lens placed in front of the horn widens horizontal dispersion to 105°, rotation of the horn by 90° relative to this produces an accurate point source dispersion, transforming a vertically oriented T10 into a stand-alone full range loudspeaker with 90° horizontal and 35° vertical directivity pattern.